Investment Activity Report (LKPM) in Bali

Laporan Kegiatan Penanaman Modal (LKPM) stands for the Investment Activity Report. Indonesia’s Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) strictly requires certain businesses to submit this. Failure to do so will result in sanctions. Emerhub will prepare and submit your LKPM so you can comply with local regulations.

Who needs to submit the Investment Activity Report (LKPM)?

Submitting the LKPM is a requirement for companies investing more than IDR 500,000,000 (approximately USD 34,000).

The minimum capital requirement for foreign-owned companies is IDR 2.5 billion (approx. USD 170,000). As such, all foreign-owned companies must submit LKPM. The same holds true for locally-owned companies that sponsor KITAS. The minimum capital requirement for such is IDR 1 billion (approx. USD 68,000).

Note that companies in select industries are exempt from this requirement. Companies with expired operating licenses also do not need to submit LKPM.

Investment Activity Report (LKPM)

The LKPM must contain information about your investment, source of funds, and new employees, among other things. You must also indicate any issues or setbacks the company is facing. In addition to that, you must also include your company’s legal documents.

The submission of LKPM is quarterly or bi-annually depending on the company’s operational status. Failure to submit will result in sanctions including losing access to the government’s online systems.

LKPM Reporting by Emerhub

Emerhub can help you with LKPM reporting. Our team will prepare an accurate investment activity report for your company. We will also make sure to submit the report to BKPM on time to avoid sanctions. We can also assist companies that have already missed the LKPM deadline.

Get in touch with us by filling out the form below.