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How to Register a Branch in Vietnam

A Branch is an alternative to a Limited Liability or Joint-Stock Company. Unlike an LLC or a JSC, it is not a separate legal entity to its parent company.

For a branch to be established, the parent company must already be registered for at least five years. Branch offices are opened when a parent company wishes to expand their activities across different locations within the same locale or in a different country.

It is important that the parent company conducts business in the same field of activity and holds all relevant licences as the branch to be registered.

The parent company is 100% liable for any debts and obligations of the branch as the liability of the parent company is unlimited. Furthermore, even legal claims against a branch can be carried on to the parent company even if they are located overseas.

Branch Structure

Branch offices generally include smaller divisions of the company’s main departments such as human resources, marketing, accounting etc. along with their activity-specific divisions. These divisions maintain the administrative and functional aspects of the business in their locations around the country and the globe. However, there are certain areas of activities that do not allow the registration of a branch such as Accounting services, Price appraisal services, Credit rating services, Commodity exchange operation, etc.  

Branch Manager

A branch must have one legal representative residing in Vietnam who is responsible for the day-to-day activities, the branch manager. The manager oversees all functions of the branch such as the hiring of new employees and the productivity of all divisions ensuring all goals and objectives are met on schedule.

The branch manager must possess the skills to manage people and build relations with customers. A manager’s responsibilities are focused in the development and maintenance of good relationships with customers and employees in addition to the organizational duties that come with managing an office.

Branch managers are often expected to run their offices as their own businesses. They are expected to elevate the perception of the company in their location, expand the customer base and connect with surrounding businesses to increase revenue. The branch manager’s role is integral to the success of a branch in any location.

Branch registration process

Registering a branch takes normally one month from submission of the application and supporting documents. The process consists of obtaining the registration certificate and branch’s seal.

In order to set up a branch in Vietnam the parent company must provide documents evidencing the incorporation of the parent company such as:

  • Incorporation certificate
  • Certificate of good standing or commercial register extract
  • Articles of association
  • Latest audited annual report
  • Business licenses of the parent company

All documents must be legalised and translated to Vietnamese language, which can take up to two weeks but can be done by Emerhub.

In order to register Branch in Vietnam fill in the form below or go to branch registration page.


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photo credit: Marcel Oosterwijk Quy Nhon cyclo via photopin (license)

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