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Why the Philippines is the Best Place to Recruit Your Outsourced Workforce

Outsourced workforce at Emerhub

The Philippines is emerging as an increasingly attractive destination for international employers for the outsourced workforce. The recent advent of remote work has only accelerated this trend. More and more companies around the world are now recruiting highly-skilled employees from the Philippines to work in full-time roles.

There are many reasons why the Philippines represents one of the best places to recruit an outsourced workforce. Here are five of the top reasons:

  1. High education levels
  2. Cultural fit with Western companies
  3. Affordability
  4. Round-the-clock availability
  5. Level of support for international employers

Let’s take a closer look at each of these key benefits. 

1. A Well Educated, Highly Skilled Workforce

The Philippines has a large, diverse workforce. Every year, hundreds of thousands of new graduates enter the workforce fresh from one of the country’s 2,300 higher education institutions, and many of them go on to work with international businesses. 

Many people think of the Philippines as a Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) destination but many Filipino professionals have the skills to handle a wide variety of roles, from Software Engineers to Marketing Managers. 

2. Strong Cultural Fit with Western Companies

Many international companies hire Filipino employees to work directly with their existing teams in North America and Europe. English is widely spoken in the Philippines, and many professionals are fully fluent and speak with no discernible accent.

Western culture is ingrained in the Philippines, and the country’s people are internationally renowned for their hospitality. Before you know it, an employee you hire in the Philippines will be an integral part of your team – you might even forget that you outsourced them! 

3. Affordability of Recruiting and Paying Outsourced Workforce

One of the primary benefits of hiring outsourced employees in the Philippines is the cost-benefit that businesses can achieve. It’s possible to achieve significant cost savings across a huge variety of positions, often without compromising on quality. 

Exactly how affordable is it to hire employees in the Philippines? A remote worker for an entry-level position typically earns around $5 USD per hour, while more experienced professionals may command upwards of $25 USD per hour. And while there are some additional costs associated with hiring remote employees in the Philippines, your overall costs are still a fraction of hiring an equivalent employee in North America or Europe. 

Learn More: How Much Does it Cost to Hire Remote Workers in the Philippines?

4. Round the Clock Availability of Outsourced Workforce

The Philippines is eight hours ahead of the United Kingdom, and thirteen hours ahead of the east coast of the United States. That means there’s little overlap between standard working hours. Fortunately, many Filipino employees regularly work through the night to match the schedules of their Western employers. 

Whether this is necessary will depend on the needs of your company. Many employers choose to have employees in the Philippines work regular business hours, enabling them to provide 24-hour customer service while US-based employees sleep. Whatever your needs, hiring virtual assistants and other professionals in the Philippines gives employers more options than ever. 

5. Support with Hiring, Payroll, and More with an Employer of Record

Working with an Employer of Record (EOR) is by far one of the most popular ways to hire and manage outsourced workforce in the Philippines. Working with an EOR enables companies to hire employees in the Philippines without the need to establish a legal entity in the country. 

An EOR handles recruitment, payroll, taxes, and other administrative details on your behalf. You’ll still get to work directly with your new Filipino employees while the EOR takes responsibility for all HR matters. It’s a scalable, cost-efficient way to hire employees in the Philippines that represents a great option for many businesses. 

If you’re interested in learning more about working with an EOR, the team at Emerhub is here to help. To learn more, fill out the form below and our consultants will reach out to you to get the process started. 

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