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Register a foreign company in Vietnam

Fintech startup Vietnam

The process of setting up a foreign company in Vietnam

Start operating in less than 30 days

Time needed: 30 days

  1. Preparation & Submitting

    Fill in the information about your company and shareholders.

  2. Investment Registration Certificate (IRC)

    Emerhub’s consultant reviews the information and submits the documents.

  3. Enterprise Registration Certificate (ERC)

    You can start operating from the point of getting the seal, 1 day from ERC.

  4. Company Seal & Public Announcement

    A company seal is used for signing documents on behalf of your

  5. Opening Corporate Bank Account

    The bank accounts that are usually opened together with a company registration: a capital account, current account in USD, current account in VND.

  6. Tax Registration

    Opening bank account and tax registration

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