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Should You Use a Headhunter in Indonesia?

Getting the best people to work for your company is one of the most important tasks if you want to grow your business. While Indonesia has a large workforce the competition for top talents is tough. Learn how using a headhunter in Indonesia can give your firm a competitive advantage.

What Can a Headhunter in Indonesia Do For Your Company

#1 Reach a Bigger Pool of Talents

Headhunters do not just post a job advertisement in a local online portal. They use additional channels and personal network to reach more candidates such as:

  • Alumni databases
  • Social media
  • Professional LinkedIn targeting
  • Internal and public databases

#2 Find Better Candidates

As a rule of thumb, good candidates are often not actively looking for a job. They will make a move once the right opportunity presents itself. Thus, the challenge of a headhunter is to find and engage them.

That’s why the access to various recruitment channels is crucial. Especially if you are looking to fill difficult to find positions.

#3 Save Time

If managing all your current tasks keeps you thoroughly occupied, approach a headhunter and skip the:

  • Scheduling
  • Interviewing
  • Hiring

These steps take valuable time from your managers. Asking a headhunter to join the process allows you to save time and step in when the qualified candidates have been chosen:Headhunter in Indonesia

Also, comprehending all the information concerning recruitment in a foreign country may seem overwhelming. A professional headhunter makes sure to comply to all the latest laws and regulations.

On a similar topic, read further on the labor costs and employment culture in Indonesia.

#5 Hire Anonymously (if needed)

Talent hunt may be one of the toughest games in any given industry. Sometimes you may want to stay anonymous during the recruitment process.

Perhaps an employee of a company will soon lose their job. Being a delicate matter, a headhunter is looking for a replacement confidentially. This guarantees a swift employee exchange for the company.

Looking for a Headhunter in Indonesia

The methods of a qualified and productive headhunter in Indonesia are easily recognizable. As are the opposite.

This service demands a highly personal approach – handpicked candidates for specific positions. With this in mind, choose a headhunter by the presented accuracy and explicit manner of the personnel.

How to Recognize a Good Headhunter?

The essential characteristics describing a headhunter in Indonesia are:

  • Sociable
  • People-oriented
  • Professional
  • Has excellent network
  • Is result-oriented

Once meeting a candidate, a headhunter has done their homework. That is, nothing of a candidate’s professional background comes as a surprise. As opposed to a green man in the field who has barely looked into candidate’s profile.

A conventional technique is showing genuine interest towards getting to know you better. It is an excellent chance for a candidate to fetch a few interesting facts about themselves that were left out of the resume.

Headhunting Specific Talents

Headhunting for Finance Positions

Make no mistakes when filling a position in the accounting department. Being in a direct contact with your company’s finances, this person must be completely reliable.

The chosen candidate is able to reduce costs and support increasing revenues. The people to think of when budgeting for future growth and ask for help in navigating through the governmental regulations. The knowledge kept in this department (or absence of it) is linking the entire office.

The skill set a person must possess can be demanding, depending on the exact position (Financial Controller, Audit Manager etc.). Various tests may prove necessary to show a person qualifies for the job. Prior to seeking any contact with candidates, an experienced headhunter will evaluate your company’s needs.

Using Headhunting for Sales and Marketing Experts

Growing your team by hiring various sales and marketing experts requires a strategic approach. Top talents may be highly considerate about a job or as said, passive. Although, people dedicated to this field are driven. Top performers are always interested in joining an industry leader. They are highly considerate of who they work for as in this field reputation is held in high regard.

Sales and marketing is a posh field with constant demand. Conducting a candidate search on your own in an as popular field as this one may lead to plenty of unsuccessful results.

Why choose headhunter to hire experts in sales and marketing:

  • The approach is appreciated and highly rewarding
  • It helps prevent the selection of false candidates in a very popular field
  • Showcasing your company

Headhunting IT Specialists

Filling your company’s IT department positions may seem a challenge. Although a headhunter in Indonesia will have several options to suggest. Some of who are difficult to find in the Southeast Asia (SEA) region may be available in Europe.

Let’s say you need to increase the team by a back-end developer with years of experience. Our headhunters in Emerhub also have business connections in several Europe capitals. The cities producing highly qualified technical staff with the willingness to travel.

Hiring Foreign Experts in Indonesia

Note that a foreign national working in Indonesia must also carry a KITAS working permit. Processing this visa may take up to a few months. Thus, plan sufficient amount of time for finding and relocating a foreign employee.

If you do not have a company in Indonesia but need to hire employees, an option is using Employer of Record (EoR) service. Emerhub officially hires an employee (or several of them) for you. We will handle both the employee payroll and arrange their visa. See in detail why EoR is Used for International Expansion.

Emerhub is conducting C-level, executive and mid-level management talent searches.

Introduce yourself to our headhunters in Indonesia if you find our team could be helpful. Please comment below or get in touch with us here.

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