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Getting a KITAP in Indonesia


KITAP or permanent stay permit allows you to stay in Indonesia for 5 years at a time and is very special, as not everyone can apply for it.

What is KITAP and who should apply?

KITAP (Kartu Izin Tinggal Tetap) refers to a permanent stay permit in Indonesia. According to the Indonesian Immigration Act (Undang Undang Keimigrasian No. 6/2011), KITAP is a permanent stay permit with a validity of 5 years. This means no going back and forth to the immigration every year!

Eligible candidates for KITAP in Indonesia are:

  • Foreigners with an Indonesian spouse
  • Foreign investors, directors or commissioners in an Indonesian company (PT PMA) that have issued a KITAS for 3 years in a row from the same company with the same job title
  • Indonesians regaining their citizenship

How to get a KITAP


The process to obtain a KITAP is similar regardless of the sponsor type. The process is not simple. There are several institutions that must approve the application:

  • Local Immigration (in the area where you reside)
  • Ministry of Law and Human Rights
  • Indonesian Directorate General of Immigration
  • Statistical and Civil Registry Department

The process costs more than a normal 1-year validity KITAS, but provides peace of mind. Due to the 5 year period of validity, you won’t need to extend your KITAS every year going forward.

Obtaining a KITAP for foreigners married to an Indonesian

You must have been married for at least 2 years. Proof of this is required by either Surat Nikah or Marriage Letter notification from the Indonesian Embassy if you were married abroad. This also means that you do not need to have previously held a KITAS to apply for a KITAP under these circumstances.

For foreign investors, directors, and commissioners

Have you been holding either the position of director or commissioner in the same Indonesian company for the last four years in a row? If so, and you also have a work permit (IMTA) and a limited stay permit (KITAS), you meet the initial requirements to apply for KITAP.

Your position must not have changed during this timeframe. You must have the same title for the four year period. Additionally, you must prove your eligibility with the required supporting documentation.

We have highlighted in this blog previously that as a business owner, you must be compliant when hiring foreign employees. You risk losing your KITAP in cases where foreign workers are found to be employed unlawfully in your company. Read more about how to hire foreigners in Indonesia.

KITAP for retirees

Dreams of retirement in Indonesia are common. The core requirement for retirees is age – if you are over 55, you are eligible and may apply for a KITAS. After holding a retirement KITAS for 4 years in a row, applying for KITAP is a natural next step.

Read in detail about how to apply for a retirement KITAS in Indonesia.

Frequently asked questions about KITAP

Can I work in Indonesia with a spouse-sponsored KITAP?

Holders of a spouse-sponsored KITAP have the right to work as an independent entrepreneur. Article 61 on the Immigration Law provides for this benefit. However, if you begin working with an Indonesian company, you will be issued a work permit by your employer alongside your KITAP.

What other benefits come with my KITAP?

KITAP allows you to apply for personal credit cards, bank loans, driver’s licenses with a validity of 5 years (instead of 1 with a KITAS)

Finding a Sponsor for KITAP

Similar to KITAS and other available visas in Indonesia, KITAP also requires you to have a sponsor. The sponsor can be an agent from a third party of your trust and choosing. For example, for married foreigners, the sponsors are often local spouses.

In many cases, a local spouse or Indonesian company feels confident knowing the relevant immigration regulations and procedures. If you go this route, make sure you meet the deadlines required, and that you are not late with your submission.

Also, note that the individual or company representative becomes legally responsible for you in case of any mishaps. If you are not confident in doing it by yourself, or your current sponsor is not credible, Emerhub can help you with all relevant visa services – including KITAP – with accurate pricing and deadlines.

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