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How to get a BPOM certificate in Indonesia for processed food

bpom certificate

The rise of the middle class in Indonesia has increased the demand for processed foods and beverages. This trend offers favorable opportunities for foreign investors to establish their food-related businesses in the country. 

If you are planning to sell processed food and beverages in Indonesia then it is important to comply with the local food safety regulations and obtain a BPOM certificate. 

What is a BPOM certificate?

In Indonesia, the BPOM (National Agency of Drug and Food Control) is equivalent to the FDA in other nations. Businesses involved in the production and sale of food products must comply with BPOM’s regulations. This regulatory body issues a certificate that confirms the safety and packaging standards of food products. 

  This article focuses on the types of canned goods that require a BPOM certificate in Indonesia. It also outlines how Emerhub helps businesses obtain a BPOM certification for processed foods in the country.

What are the categories of processed food in Indonesia that require a BPOM certificate?

The categorization of processed food products is based on the level of risk associated with each product. It is important for ensuring the safety and quality of food products that are marketed and consumed in Indonesia. 

Each category undergoes a different level of evaluation and testing before BPOM approves them for distribution and sale. This approach helps BPOM to ensure that consumers are protected from potential harm.

Very low-risk

Very low-risk processed food contains few ingredients, without any additives or animal derivatives, and is minimally processed. 

Examples of very low-risk processed food in Indonesia include:

  • Fresh and frozen fruits and vegetables
  • Fresh and frozen seafood
  • Fresh and frozen meat and poultry
  • Fresh herbs and spices
  • Honey
  • Olive oil


Low-risk processed food includes minimally processed food that may contain additives and animal derivatives but is still considered low-risk. 

Examples of low-risk processed food in Indonesia include:

  • Instant noodles
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Jams, jellies, and marmalades
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Flavored milk
  • Powdered drinks
  • Sweetened condensed milk
  • Processed cheese


Medium-risk processed food goes through a sterilization, pasteurization, and irradiation process. This category includes food that is canned, frozen, or dehydrated. 

Examples of medium-risk processed food in Indonesia include:

  • Canned meat and poultry
  • Canned fish and seafood
  • Canned soups and broths
  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Dried fruits and vegetables
  • Gluten-free food


High-risk processed food is food that is intended for specific target consumers with specific health conditions. This category includes food for infants, young children, and pregnant women. Examples of high-risk processed food in Indonesia include:

  • Baby food
  • Infant formula
  • Nutritional supplements for pregnant women
  • Nutritional supplements for people with specific health conditions such as diabetes and hypertension

How to obtain a BPOM certificate for processed food in Indonesia?

A BPOM certificate requires submitting documents to the Food and Drug Administration. 

Emerhub obtains a BPOM certificate for your food business in Indonesia by preparing the required documents and submitting them to relevant authorities. 

Documents required for a BPOM certificate

Before starting the application process, you need to provide the required documents to Emerhub. 

These documents include:

  • List of Ingredients 
  • Production process and code
  • Shelf life
  • Label design
  • Material specifications
  • Final product analysis results
  • Nutritional analysis results (For products that include the nutritional value information (ING) table on the label)
  • SNI certificate
  • PMR certificate
  • Health certificate / Free sale certificate 

How to Get a BPOM Certificate with Emerhub – Step-by-Step Guide

Emerhub manages the BPOM certification process for investors. This includes gathering all necessary documents, preparing for the audit, determining the risk category of the product, and guiding the investor through the evaluation process. 

Step 1- Audit of distribution facilities

The first stage of application involves an audit of distribution facilities. This is conducted by the local BPOM at the facility’s site and applies to all registered food and beverage products. Emerhub prepares for this audit by providing you with a checklist of requirements and ensuring compliance with BPOM regulations.

Step 2- Product evaluation

Product evaluation is grouped into four categories according to the type of risk: very low, low, medium, and high risk. Emerhub determines the risk category of a product and evaluates the process, including the samples. Once the evaluation process is complete, Emerhub submits the product evaluation report to BPOM to obtain the certification. 

Step 3- Evaluation outcome

Product evaluation has three possible outcomes: approval of the product registration application, rejection of the product registration application, or additional data required. 

Step 4- Certificate issuance

Once the application is approved, BPOM issues the certificate which is valid for up to five years. After receiving the certificate, the businesses would be able to sell and market their products in the country. 

To avoid having to register from the beginning again, Emerhub renews the certificate six months before its expiration date. It ensures that the businesses maintain their certification and can continue to sell their products without interruption.

Streamline your BPOM certification process with Emerhub in Indonesia

Emerhub is a reputable company providing end-to-end services for a wide range of products, including processed food and drinks. Our expert advisers register your company and products legally, as well as obtain the necessary licenses on your behalf. 

Emerhub can help you concentrate on your main business activities, as we take care of the registration process. We also give you expert guidance to keep you updated with all the legal requirements as part of our accounting and tax reporting services.

Fill in the form below to talk to our experts.

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