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Managing and Recruiting Remote Employees in Vietnam

Vietnam has one of the largest labor forces in Southeast Asia due to its young population and high labor force participation rate. Vietnam also boasts competitive rates for in-demand roles in IT compared to most countries in Southeast Asia. This is why recruiting remote employees in Vietnam continues to be a common practice among foreign employers.

In this article, we will share insights on remote working in Vietnam. We will also share tips for managing and recruiting remote employees in Vietnam. On top of that, we will also list other ways to establish a remote team in Vietnam.

Remote Working in Vietnam

There is a steady rise in internet penetration in Vietnam. DataReportal states that there are 68.17 million internet users in Vietnam in 2020. This is 6.2 million more than the number of internet users in 2019.

Vietnam also has a high volume of workers for some of the most common remote jobs. Some examples of these include:

These factors make Vietnam an ideal place to hire remote employees. Additionally, as a result of government measures to control the spread of COVID-19, more workers in Vietnam have adapted to remote working arrangements.

How to Recruit Remote Employees in Vietnam

Write a Job Description that Stands Out

The labor market in Vietnam is highly competitive, not just for employees but also for employers. To get the attention of top candidates, you must have a well-written job description. The job description must include:

  • Specific job requirements
  • A clear explanation of the role and responsibilities
  • The benefits of working with your company
  • Your company culture

Emerhub’s recruitment experts can share valuable insights into the business culture of Vietnam. Our team will help you write a job description that will catch the attention of Vietnam’s top candidates.

Find Out How Vietnamese Employees Look for New Opportunities

Most Vietnamese employees use online portals to look for career opportunities. Many portals host a variety of roles. But given the high demand for Vietnamese IT professionals, other portals specialize in this industry. This method will likely yield a large number of applications. However, many of these may come from unqualified applicants.

You can also connect with potential employees through Facebook and LinkedIn groups. Finding the right groups can be challenging, but this method offers a direct connection with people in the industry. Members of online groups can also refer friends and colleagues who otherwise might not have seen your post.

A simpler way to source candidates is through a professional recruiter. Recruiters have their own database of qualified candidates in different industries. They also use their network to find the best people for the offered role.

Screening and Interviewing for Remote Roles in Vietnam

Given the large workforce in Vietnam, there’s a good chance that you will receive a lot of applications. Interviewing applicants is a time-consuming process. As such, you must carefully screen the candidates and interview only the most qualified ones.

Professional recruiters are experts at screening applicants. They will be able to give you a shortlist of candidates in a short period of time. And as mentioned above, recruiters have their own database of candidates. You can skip this whole process altogether when you work with a recruiter.

With Emerhub as your professional recruiter in Vietnam, you will have access to our selection of pre-screened candidates. We will also schedule and facilitate interviews with your preferred candidates.

Test Candidate’s Skills 

It’s not enough to hire someone based only on their profile and interview. Assessing the candidate’s skills through a test is one way to get a better understanding of what a candidate is capable of doing. This is especially common for IT jobs where applicants often take a coding test as part of the application process.

Create a Competitive Job Offer

Salary Standards and Employee Benefits in Vietnam

You need to offer competitive rates to ensure that the best candidates will want to work with you. Make sure that the salary you are offering meets the market standard.

You must also take mandatory contributions into account when coming up with the compensation package. In Vietnam, employers must contribute a percentage of the employee’s basic salary toward the following:

  • Social insurance
  • Health insurance
  • Unemployment insurance

You can offer other benefits on top of the ones mandated by the government to secure the services of your employee. For example, you can provide private health insurance for your employee and his or her dependents. You can also subsidize their devices or offer additional allowances.

Leaves and Working Hours for Vietnamese Employees

Aside from the mandatory contributions, employees in Vietnam are also entitled to the following leaves:

  • Annual leave
  • Sick leave
  • Maternity/Paternity leave

Employees in Vietnam can only work for no more than 8 hours a day and not more than 48 hours in total per week. Employees can work overtime, however, their total working hours must not exceed 12 hours in a day.

Find top talent in Vietnam.

Hire remote employees in Vietnam with Emerhub.

Emerhub offers full-service recruitment in Vietnam. Our expert recruiters can source and screen candidates per your requirements. We can also facilitate interviews and skills testing. Our consultants will also help you come up with an attractive job offer to ensure that you will hire the best candidates for the role.

And with our employer of record service, we can also act as the local HR for your employee. We will take care of employment contracts, payroll management, and ensuring compliance with labor laws. We can also make arrangements to provide your employees with a workspace and any tools or equipment they might need.

Managing Remote Employees in Vietnam

Management strategies that work on-site will not necessarily work for remote teams. You will have to make adjustments to see what works for you and your remote team.

Onboarding Remote Employees in Vietnam

The onboarding process can impact your remote employees in a big way. It provides you with an opportunity to make them feel welcome in your team. Onboarding can start even before your employee’s first day.

Before their start date, you can send a document containing important information about the company. You can also introduce them to other members of your team through email or video call.

Providing Support for Remote Employees

You must also provide your employee with all the tools and equipment he or she will need. Ask your employee about their workspace to get an idea of what they might need to create a productive environment. For example, check the specs of their computer to see if you need to provide a better model.

You can also ask about where they will work. In Vietnam, it’s common for people to live with their extended family. As such, there might be a lot of background noise in their home office.

Through our employer of record service, Emerhub can provide desks and meeting rooms for your remote teams in Vietnam. We can also facilitate the purchase of necessary tools and equipment for your employees in Vietnam.

Start hiring remote workers in Vietnam with Emerhub. Fill out the form below or send us an email at [email protected]. Our recruitment experts will gladly assist you in finding the best candidates in Vietnam.


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