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Company Registry in Vietnam

Vietnam is becoming more and more attractive to foreign investors. However, when starting cooperation with new business partners, it is essential that you learn a bit more about your future associates before you sign any contracts.

Emerhub’s company registry in Vietnam allows you to conduct background checks on companies registered in Vietnam. For example, you can verify whether or not your business partner actually exists.

What information does the company registry in Vietnam include?

The information in our business registry origins from the respective government institutions. Therefore, you can be sure that the data you receive is valid, given that the company has provided accurate information to the government.

vietnam company registry

With Emehub’s company registry, you can obtain information such as:

  • Name and domicile of the company
  • Business code, address
  • The legal representative of a company

company registry in Vietnam

However, if you need more information than just the basic due diligence, you can also request reports for:

#1 Company information

This report enables you to find out who are the people or companies involved with the business (owners, representatives) and also what business lines your cooperation partners have.

You will receive information such as:

  • Email address of the company
  • Phone number of the company
  • Capital
  • Information on the owner (50% of ownership, name, permanent address, passport number or registration number)
  • Information on the legal representative (name, date of birth, nationality, passport number, date of appointment, permanent and also the current address)

#2 Transaction history and capital

company registry in Vietnam

This report will provide you with the company’s transaction history of the last three years, including:

  • Changes in ownership
  • Company details
  • Change of legal representative
  • Increase/decrease of capital

The full report is in Vietnamese. However, it is also possible to translate it into English at VND 200,000 (~US$8) per page.

#3 Articles of Association/ Charter of Company

With this report, you will acquire copies of the Business Registration Certificate/ Enterprise Registration Certificate and the Articles of Association/Charter of Company.

How to access company registry in Vietnam

Emerhub’s company registry in Vietnam is easily accessible, and it takes only one working day to receive the requested reports.

You will get ahold of the requested information in four simple steps:

company registry in Vietnam

Visit our company registry search page to get started.

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