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How to Import IT Equipment Into Indonesia?

Import IT Equipment into Indonesia

There are strict rules and regulations for importing goods into Indonesia. Importing goods into the country can be a very challenging task. This is especially true with importing IT equipment which has specific requirements.

Whether you’re bringing in computers for your office or importing GPS trackers for vehicles, you will have to follow the regulations set for importing IT equipment.

To import IT equipment into Indonesia, you will need to use an importer of record (IOR) like Emerhub unless you set up your own company in the country and acquire an import license. An alternative is to set up a trading representative office (KP3A).

Each of these options has a different procedure and a different set of requirements. In this article, we discuss the processes and requirements for both setting up your own company and using an importer of record. For setting up a trading representative office, click here.

Using an Importer of Record in Indonesia

An importer of record (IOR) is an entity that will be responsible for your shipment by acting as your consignee. This is a third-party that already has import licenses which means you will not have to apply for licenses or permits yourself.

If you want to start importing immediately or if your core business does not involve trading IT equipment, this is the best option for your business.

An experienced importer of record, like Emerhub, will handle and manage your shipment properly.  Your importer of record will handle several major aspects of the import process. This includes the certification of your IT equipment, making sure your shipment is not held at customs and settling any taxes and duties on your goods.

Procedure for Importing IT Equipment Into Indonesia Using IOR

When importing IT equipment through an IOR, you will need to prepare the commercial invoice and packing list of the shipment. When the documents are ready, your IOR will take care of processing and other documentation so you can ship your goods. 

Prior to the importation, your IOR will notify the Customs through electronic documents (PIB), pay the duties on behalf of your company and clear your goods. Without following these steps, you will not be able to clear your goods.

Upon arrival in Indonesia, your goods will go through customs. As your importer of record, Emerhub will ensure that this process goes smoothly.

If you have a shipment stuck in customs, Emerhub will help you expedite the release of your equipment.

Setting up a company to import IT Equipment

Another way to import IT equipment into Indonesia is to set up your own company. Along with registering your business, you must also get an import license. Starting a company and getting an import license takes about 1-2 months and requires paid-up capital.

Because this method takes quite a long time to set up, you should only consider this option if importing will be part of your main business activities.

Watch the video below to learn about the key aspects of setting up a company in Indonesia:

There are a few mistakes you can make when you set up a company in Indonesia. Our consultants are ready to help you so you can avoid these mistakes. Fill out the form below and someone will get in touch with you.

Import license for IT Equipment in Indonesia

If you decide to set up a company for importation of IT equipment you will need an import license before you can bring anything into the country. For IT equipment, your import company will need the API-U import license or General Import license. 

Prior to the importation, you will need to notify Customs through electronic documents (PIB) and pay the necessary duties. Without following these steps, you will not be able to clear your goods.

SDPPI/POSTEL Certificate

In 2016, The Indonesian Government issued a regulation for IT Equipment Certification (SDDPI) for Mobile Phones and Tablets. Only SDPPI registered products are able to be connected to telecommunication network service in Indonesia. In 2018, 67 different products were added to the list.

Subsequently, by 2020 it became a requirement for mobiles, tablets and other hand held devices purchased abroad to have registered to IMEI number otherwise they cannot be used in Indonesia.

IT equipment requiring a SDDPI certificate:

  • Handheld gadgets like smartphones, tablets, or PDAs;
  • Servers, routers, or switches
  • GPS trackers

You can get an SDDPI certificate for your device through device testing or document testing. Device testing is when you send your device to Indonesia for testing at the SDPPI facilities. Document testing is when you send a previous certification test done outside of Indonesia. However, document testing is not available for all goods.

You will need to submit the following documents when you apply for an SDDPI certificate:

  • Technical documents or brochures of the goods;
  • Letter of appointment as the registrar or importer
  • For document testing, test results for:
    • Radiofrequency;
    • Electromagnetic compatibility

If instead, you elect to appoint Emerhub as your IoR, we will register the SDPPI for all your devices.

Preparing for the importation

The following can only be done by an Importer of Record or by a company with an import licence. Assuming you have an import licence and your equipment is SDPPI certified, you can progress to the next stages.

  1. Preparing custom clearance documents
  2. Requesting for a surveyor report
  3. Preparing Shipping documents
  4. Paying all necessary duties

Once all of your documents, licences, surveys and certificates are in order, the customs bill for duties will be requested and paid by the Importer. Upon receiving clearance, you can finally ship your goods.

Once your equipment has arrived in Indonesia, custom clearance is expected within 5 working days. However, delays are common. Setbacks like this can be avoided by experienced importers such as Emerhub.

Importing IT equipment into Indonesia can be very challenging and time-consuming, even more so if you are inexperienced with Indonesian regulations and processes.

We have 9 years of experience at Emerhub. Let’s discuss the best way for you to import your IT equipment to Indonesia. Get in touch with us by filling in the form below or visit our import page for more information.

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