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How Using Executive Search in Indonesia Can Benefit Your Business

executive search in Indonesia

Executive search in Indonesia can be a challenging process that comes down to a structured and well-calculated recruitment plan. Qualified top talents do not generally look for a job themselves actively, and that is why you are unlikely to find a brilliant candidate on job portals.

In this article, we will introduce the structure as well as show why companies might have limited internal strategies for executive level recruitment. We have also included a process scheme on how to approach an executive candidate and added the duration until one is ready for being appointed.

Outsourcing placements for executive positions in Indonesia

With a population of nearly 270 million people, Indonesia is home to a significant number of professionals. However, the question is, how to find and approach the talents in Indonesia?

Executive search sometimes referred to as headhunting, is a tool for handpicking and recruiting highly qualified candidates for senior-level and executive jobs.

Those who you would seek through an executive search are, for example, a:

  • President
  • Vice-president
  • CEO

Executive search describes the recruitment of senior executives. It merges the candidate’s experience, attainments and leadership capabilities with the current and future goals of your business.

How using executive search in Indonesia can help you grow your business

#1 Access to a bigger pool of talents

Recruiters handle executive recruitments on a weekly basis.  They access necessary databases and know the strategies that work best when approaching a C-level candidate.

A recruiter specializes in finding executives and has time, database, and experience to know how to best engage with C-level candidates. Sufficient experience helps our recruiters approach high-ranking candidates as appropriate.

#2 Recruiter focuses on the needs of your company

It is most crucial for a company to realize when the recruitment of a C-level candidate takes too many in-house labor hours. When this occurs, consider turning to an executive search company instead.

Once you have hired a recruiter, their focus is always on you and your company. Even companies with a steady and reliable HR division don’t usually have a person in their team that specializes in C-level recruitment.

We also consult and challenge the clients with questions such as:

  • Why is this position needed?
  • What’s the goal of the job?

Which, in turn, leads to a more detailed description of the job and the responsibilities in the company than initially planned.

The higher level positions don’t change as often, and it would not be practical for a company to have a person on the field only for that.

Also, hiring a recruiter to do the job might help you see the processes more clearly. A fresh look from a person that comes from a different company adds a different perspective to your operations. In some cases, it may even reflect in a productivity increase.

#3 Recruiter knows how to present the job opportunity to the candidate

The C-level staff is not so easy to find. Your internal HR team may reach an excellent candidate that seems to be very interested and well-fitted for the position. However, you may soon discover that the candidate loses interest along the way. 

A grand benefit of hiring a recruiter is that they help your company to find a person most efficiently. A recruiter will introduce your company and demonstrate the job opportunity in a way that will always meet the needs of a particular candidate.

As said, an executive is more likely to remain passive, and expect to have a strategic dialogue once you approach them.

Often, it also happens that recruiters receive a very generic job description from a company. A recruiter will also guide you in the right direction and will make sure to ask for more information if the input you’ve given is insufficient.

#4 Your discretion is guaranteed

It is necessary that your recruiter assures your anonymity throughout the process. Especially as sometimes the appointment of a new executive means the replacement of another.

By trusting an outsourced partner such as Emerhub, you can be confident that your workplace is not affected by the changes ahead and the process is discreet all the way.

The process of executive search in Indonesia

A recruiter will look for any specific requirements that may prolong the process and will keep you up to date. Also, higher-ranking C-level candidates may sometimes require a longer notice period from their previous company.

We have written out the four key steps behind the process of executive search in Indonesia. Below is a standard practice which you can customize to meet your expectations even better along the way:

executive search in Indonesia

In Indonesia, it can take up to three months to finalize the process of executive search and have the chosen candidate work in your company. This timeframe already includes the candidate notice period, and the time it takes for us to conduct and follow through the executive search.

FAQs about executive search in Indonesia via Emerhub Talent Solutions

It is wise to outsource a company to conduct the executive search for you to make the process more efficient. Emerhub is doing recruitments for executive positions as well as headhunting in Indonesia.

Note that if your chosen expert is a foreign national, they also need a working permit (KITAS) in Indonesia. Our legal team will take care of processing the candidate’s visa on time so that they can undertake assigned obligations according to agreed timelines.

Laura Liisa Lemetsar, the director of Emerhub Talent Solutions, answers some of the frequently asked questions about outsourcing executive search in Indonesia to Emerhub.

executive search in Indonesia

Laura Liisa hosting an event for recruiters at Emerhub Talent Solutions

What are we doing differently to find a candidate?

The main answer is the focus. We at Emerhub Talent Solutions take the position as our full-time job. Moreover, we customize the process for each client individually, as well as adjust it on the go.

How much time does it take to deliver a candidate?

On average, the process from mapping the strategy to the placement of the executive takes around 7-8 weeks in Indonesia.

What information do you need for mapping an executive search strategy?

In addition to providing a job description, don’t be modest in showcasing the best assets of your company as well. Now is the time to make your company look as good as ever.

Review the information you have given out so far to see if there’s anything else you can share with us. Our team of international recruiters can add facts to your story if there’s something strategically important you’ve forgotten to share.

Remember that it is essential to include highlights about your company’s growth and future potential to attract the interest of long-term candidates.

Reach out to Emerhub Talent Solutions by filling in the form below and describe your HR needs. Our recruiters in Indonesia will help you find the brightest talents.

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