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Hiring IT Developers in Indonesia

Recruiting IT talents in Indonesia is difficult, however, not impossible. In this article, we will have a closer look at common obstacles companies face when hiring IT developers in Indonesia.

Availability of IT developers in Indonesia

While communication and information technology (ICT) is prevailing in the Western world, the ICT field is also starting to gather pace in Indonesia. 

The best technology-oriented university in Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), ranks 331st in QS World University Rankings in 2018.

In addition to colleges and universities, Indonesia is also seeing more and more private institutions focused on the ICT education to support this growth. 

Take the Nordic School of Technology, Emerhub’s hiring partner, for example. The school offers Software Engineering courses and helps to bring local engineering talents together with companies in the ICT sector.

Learn more about hiring remote developers from Asia.

Hiring foreign IT developers

Compared to the Western world, Indonesia is still mainly lacking developers in the following areas:

  • Java developers
  • Full stack developers
  • Software architects

It is possible to find junior developers in Indonesia, however, there are not enough senior developers available in the market. For this reason, you may consider hiring a foreign IT professional instead.

For example, you can recruit a team of Indonesian junior developers and hire a foreign senior developer to lead and educate them. 

Emerhub can assist you with recruiting foreign IT developers to Indonesia. We have partnerships in many capitals in Eastern Europe where there are plenty of highly qualified technical professionals who are willing to relocate to Southeast Asia.

hiring IT developers in Indonesia

Using a corporate headhunter in Indonesia

Recruitment of new employees requires a practised eye which comes with experience and focus. The amount of time, effort, and money spent on finding quality IT developers or good talent in general in Indonesia is often underestimated.

The process employing a new talent consists of several time-consuming steps, including:

  • Mapping the requirements for candidates
  • Headhunting, sourcing
  • Screening, interviewing
  • Evaluation
  • Shortlisting to make the final choice

For this reason, it advantageous to use a professional corporate headhunter for hiring IT developers in Indonesia.

Under Emerhub Talent Solutions, we already have several project-based IT professionals who can help you out with both short- and long-term projects.

Using employer of record for hiring IT developers in Indonesia

Briefly explained, an employer of record is a service provider (such as Emerhub) that hires employees who will be on their payroll, but work for other companies.

For example, if you want to hire IT developers in Indonesia, Emerhub can recruit and employ them on your behalf. These professionals will be officially hired by Emerhub, but their work is contracted to you as a service.

Why use an employer of record in Indonesia?

An employer of record frees you from worrying about work permits nor visa matters of your foreign experts. Moreover, payroll management and compliance with the local bureaucracy will also be taken off your shoulders.

hiring IT developers in Indonesia

Another perk of using an EoR service is that there will be no restrictions on the number of employees. You can hire as many local or foreign experts as you want.

Take note that foreign employees also need a limited stay permit KITAS in Indonesia, which can take up to a few months to get ahold of.

Emerhub will arrange KITAS for your foreign employee(s). However, keep in mind that it will take some additional time to relocate your chosen candidates to Indonesia.

Want to know more about the employer of record service? Have a look at our previous article about using an employer of record in Southeast Asia.

Getting started with hiring IT developers in Indonesia

The process of finding and recruiting the best talents who are willing to contribute to your company’s growth can be time-consuming and costly even in familiar markets, not to mention when operating in a foreign market.

Visit our Headhunter in Indonesia page to meet Laura Liisa Lemetsar, Head of Emerhub Talent Solutions, to learn more about hiring top talents in Indonesia.

Or, let us know about your requirements by simply filling in the form below. Our recruitment team will get back to you as soon as possible to map the profile of the employees you’re looking for.

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