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Coronavirus updates: Changes to visas and work permits in Indonesia

coronavirus indonesia visa

Due to the outbreak of the Coronavirus, Indonesia has implemented various changes to entering and staying in the country. Therefore the regular advice on visas is currently not valid until further notice.

This page collects confirmed information on the travel and living restrictions on foreign nationals in Indonesia (including Bali). See also updates about Vietnam and the Philippines.

Indonesia visa changes due to the Coronavirus

Last update: April 1, 13:50

  • Foreign nationals are temporarily not allowed to enter and transit in Indonesia.
  • KITAS, KITAP, and Diplomatic visa holders can enter but have to provide a health certificate, will be quarantined for 14 days and cannot have visited any country with Corona cases for the past two weeks.
  • Since there are almost no countries that are free of Corona, it essentially means that foreign nationals are not able to enter Indonesia.
  • New visa and work permit applications are currently on hold.

Update: March 31, 15:00

  • Foreign nationals that have been to Italy, UK, Germany, Vatican, Iran, France, German, Switzerland in the last 14 days are not allowed to enter Indonesia
  • The visa exemption program has been suspended for at least a month starting from March 20. This includes visa-exemptions such as short-stay visit visas, visa-on-arrival, and diplomatic visa-free programs.
  • Indonesian embassies are still allowed to process applications for business visas, social visas and limited stay permits (KITAS). In addition to the standard requirements, foreign nationals also need to provide a health certificate.
  • Foreign nationals that entered Indonesia after February 5 are allowed to overstay their visas and no overstay fines will be applied. It is not required to go to a local Immigration office to extend the visa.
  • As of 31.03.2020 only KITAS, KITAP, or Diplomatic Visa holders can enter Indonesia, as announced by the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs. This means that travelers with business visas and social visas are not allowed to enter.
I already have my telex issued and it is going to expire soon but I am unable to collect my telex because of Covid 19 outbreak. What should I do?

Your options are either to re-apply for a new telex or to change the location of your telex. The latter gives you an additional 60 days to convert your telex. We advise changing the location a minimum of 10 days before the telex expires.

My telex is already converted. How long will it be valid?

90 days.

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